June 2, 2009 journal, the vast South Atlantic Bermuda Triangle where the winds change direction has historically been death to the seamen since the days of the slaves & before. They say the ocean is 15,000 feet deep in the area the Air France jetliner disappeared. They have found 2 fields of debris 3 miles apart indicating the plane broke up in flight. An American couple was on board originally from Texas and 3 Irish women doctors. It is not God's name on our money, the devil's name is on our money as a great Pyramid. Mr. Chase is chasing some of that money who was called United then Card Services has now emerged as Chase Bank and I wonder if that's the Chase Manhattan Bank that kept the money from the Holocaust victims in France during the 1940's. They have just written me reducing my credit line to the exact amount I owe which is clever. I am about to write them back and say Dear Mr. Chase-I regret to inform you that due to my weak declining financial situation I will not be able to make any future payments on this said credit card account. I am not sure who you are if you are legitimate or not because your name has changed. If you have a legitimate right to collect the money and exorbitant interest billed on this account then please send me written proof of that and show me where you have consistently complied with the 1968 federal Truth in Lending Act as consumer required. The California gold rush is finally over after 200 years and tax increase is not possible. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger tells his legislature to fix their finances or else they will cease to exist and I think this time he means it. California is finished as a state and many other states will follow suit into the financial pit of forever unfavorable history. The State of California will shut down within 2 weeks without getting major refinancing. We are not that much different from California with high taxes and jobs being lost. I will admit that I could vote for Ron Paul because I agree with most of his politics and appreciate his truthfulness but it is too late now and that opportunity will not ever return. Hearing Jesse Ventura former governor of Minnesota on Larry King explain American torture of detainees was a lesson learned in the way that he so cleverly described it all. It concurred with my conscience, feelings and beliefs. Jesse claims to be a Libertarian. Ron Paul has given us an advance description of our financial meltdown for years now but nobody listened to him. The Republicans are the people with the money and they're going to keep it that way until the dollar dies and all spendable occurrences in the world. When Dick Cheney and his clan of Israeli agents left office they knew the jig was up and they went willingly turning it over to the Democrats to blame for all their problems they had created including the quagmire of wars. Actually, the Israeli mentality is not political. The thousand Israeli Washington lobbyists are willing to work with either political party. Just now another bump in the economic road behind China demanding we stop printing money and secure their 2 trillion plus in U.S. currency. Long term treasury bonds are not selling therefore it is going to be quite difficult to raise the extra 2 trillion dollars to meet this year's budget shortfall. The dam is now breaking and the flood of money is coming. No nation on earth has ever in history been able to finance itself almost entirely from its overseas lenders. All that money is coming back in a whirlwind to be redeemed by the taxpayers and then the end will come. Tim is over now trying to console the Chinese. The foreign phony Fed has all but admitted it has no clue how to fix this runaway mess. The Air France Airbus A330 may have encountered high-level icing and overstressed its basic structure in severe turbulence. However, it appears to be more in line with sabotage since the plane was only 4 years old. Modern planes may be safe but so was the Titanic.